Everyday Herbalism: Chocolate as Medicine?

We all may have indulged a little too much this holiday and as it is the start of a new year, many of you may be starting a new diet or other healthy eating resolution. Which is all well and good, but don’t forget to reward yourself for your good work, or even just the good effort as it may be.


Cacao nibs

Here are a few very good reasons to keep Chocolate in your diet plan!

  • Chocolate increases endorphins
  • Chocolate contains polyphenol antioxidants, magnesium and pre-biotics.
  • Cocoa flavinoids relax the blood vessels and inhibit an enzyme which causes inflammation.
  • Dark chocolate contains 53.5mg of catechins per 100 mg.


“Chocolate of good quality… calms the fever, nourishes the patient and tends to restore him to health”. Francis Joseph Victor Broussais, celebrated French physician (1772-1836)

Here is one of Margi’s recipes for those cold snowy winter days!



Mix together

1-2 TB Cocoa

½ tsp Kudzu

½ tsp Licorice powder

1tsp Chicory powder

1tsp Mushroom powder

1tsp Vanilla extract

6-8 oz Almond or other milk

Simmer for 5 minutes covered.

Sweeten with raw local honey.

Add a pinch of Cayenne.


Taken from Margi’s book, The Third Edition of the Practicing Herbalist, page 147.

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